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Is there anything wrong with fear? Healthy fear has saved many lives. Think about it.

I get accused sometimes (or it's implied) that I'm living in fear as I take precautions to avoid catching COVID. I mask using a great quality N95, I avoid crowded locations, concerts, use curbside pickup, don't eat indoors in restaurants etc.

I do these things because I have chosen to educate myself about the risks (long-term as well as short term) of catching COVID, as well as the ways to mitigate those risks.

Is that living in fear? On the contrary. I can relax, knowing that as far as possible I am protecting myself according to the best scientific recommendations.

But I suppose it is a level of fear in the sense that my awareness has instigated these behaviors. I think of it as a healthy, informed fear. I have the same healthy fear of getting run over crossing the road. I have educated myself and know that crossing blindly, anywhere, without looking, will put me at risk of being hit by a car or truck. So this healthy fear makes me look for a crosswalk, press the button if there is one, and wait for the traffic to stop, before taking my life in my hands and stepping off the curb.

People would think I was stupid (and they would be right) if I ignored the risks, listened to the calm, authoritative voice of people, even friends, telling me that there is little chance a vehicle will be coming along this road at this time, so the risk is small, and I got hit. Is this living in fear? No one would think that.

So why is there not the same attitude to being fully informed and protecting yourself against a disease which continues to seriously affected the lives of hundreds of millions around the world and has even killed many millions?

It's a mystery. A bit like the 'mystery virus' affecting so many I know. Why are they all stepping blindly off the COVID curb, so many getting hit, so to speak? Because they don't want to know?

#covidIsNotOver #EllieKPosts #COVIDcautious #COVID #FearCanBeHealthy #healthyFear

in reply to Ellie Kennard Ask A Zero reshared this.

You can’t see a virus, and people with long covid often just disappear, so they are not really seen either. And those that don’t disappear, often have not connected the dots that they feel as badly because they have long covid. So it’s not in people’s face anymore and so convenient to ignore. And then the news outlets invite incompetent „doctors“ that tell you to just live life and unless you are REALLY sick, might as well go to work and get everyone else sick. 😞
in reply to Ellie Kennard Ask A Zero reshared this.

You’re not living in fear. You’re living an educated life.